Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Spread of Democracy

We're not known for our collaborations. Younger, more dynamic brewers than us have been having a great time for years, visiting each other, comparing notes and combining their knowledge, skill and understanding to create a beer greater than the sum of it's parts. But we've never really done it...until now.
The Citizens of Everywhere project invited us to join their adventure and paired us with Pohjala, the Estonian brewery on every dark beer lovers lips these days. Ours is just one of twelve pan-European collaborations happening this year involving a total of 24 breweries from across the continent, probably the biggest such project to have been attempted. It's a celebration of Europe, focusing on the positive influence the EU has had on our lives, and the theme for our collaboration is democracy. It's something our collaborative chums don't take for granted, having broken free from the Soviet Union less than 30 years ago, and their enthusiasm for 'it' was amply demonstrated by a 63% turnout in last weekend's general election.
But the beer? It's a big bodied 5.3% Baltic Porter, brewed with juniper berries and spruce tips that cut right through the delicious dark malts and add a layer of complexity usually reserved for solely for hops. We've put much of it into cans (on sale via Eebria, soon) and some of it nitro'ed, into keykegs (available direct from the brewery). There are launch parties all over the country at various brewery taps and craft bars towards the end of March, and we'll have a little one of our own down the Ravensgate, tbc.

Note that the label says 'tones', not tonnes - this is deliberate, as tonnes of juniper and spruce would be inappropriate in a beer.


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Meredith said...

I love how you incorporated unique flavors like juniper berries and spruce tips into your Baltic Porter.