Saturday, 28 November 2009

Pub of Month - December 2009

And the winner is.......

The Rose of England
Set just back off Ramsgate High Street, Harry's place is a treasure trove of the early 20th century and there's not a nook nor cranny without some great dusty curiosity sat therein.

So much for the customers.

Harry's a first rate, life-long landlord whose parents kept the Balloon Up The Creek in Chelsea many, many moons ago (a pub Steve, I and our brewery worked in many years later when it was called The Ferret & Firkin in the Balloon Up The Creek, now sadly long, long gone but at least it's still a hostelry of sorts). You'll find him quick and generous with his affection for the human race (that includes you), a trait borne of enormous empathy for the struggle we all individually face in life. He is a top bloke surrounded by a loving and lovely family.

And all this month he'll be serving GADDS' Little Cracker and Dark Conspiracy, though not necessarily at the same time but certainly at good value for money.

But do beware, many a visitor has fallen foul of Harry's curious opening hours. They are:

Sunday through Tuesday - 11am to 7pm (yes, he closes in the evening)
Wednesday through Saturday - 11am to 11pm (unless it's a very dreary night)

You'll also be able to buy your fresh greens and eggs there too for it's a service he extends to his more senior, less mobile customers at no margin to himself.

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